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FALL 2024

The Enneagram Personality Typology System (EPS) is a map of nine personality types that reveals an individual's faulty coping strategies and the corresponding personal path of self/type-transcendence.  This three-hour workshop is an introduction to the basic concepts of the EPS and the nine enneagram types.  Included in the workshop are three contemplative practices that address mind, heart, and body.


Participants are encouraged to take the enneagram assessment prior to the workshop.  The assessment can be accessed free-of-charge at  Please note your top three results for reference during the workshop.”


Rev. Andrea “Ani” Vidrine serves as an interfaith minister, support group facilitator, and spiritual director, has taught yoga since 1997, and is on staff at The Shalem Institute for Spiritual Formation. Ani is currently a doctoral candidate in Integral & Transpersonal Psychology whose research focus is the EPS and self-transcendence.

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